
Ser? que Homura tem chance de vencer? Ela e a lend?ria Lady Freyja t?m uma diferen?a de poder gigantesca. Acompanhe essa emocionante aventura de viagem espacial com Edens Zero, do mangak? Hiro Mashima...

Os rob?s influenciados por Ziggy est?o dominando os humanos do planeta Foresta. Hermit tenta encontrar uma solu??o enquanto Shiki e seus amigos enfrentam a For?a Irregular de Poseidon Nero, um dos gra...

Beltaine is also known as Baal Tinne, Beltane, Bel's Fire, Cet Samhain, Mayday, Tana Festiva, or Walpurgisnacht, and is generally celebrated on or about the first of May. In many cultures, Beltaine ce...

The 2nd book of the easy and tasty chutney series. You can make this delicious mint chutney in minutes. Enjoy!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は...

The Zombies are back in this episode 6! With a star: Melania Trump, the sublime! Josu? and Mike the 2 pilots of Space X return quietly to Earth after a stay on the ISS. But when they land on the groun...

From nutritional benefits to fun facts, you will learn everything you need to know and more about our beloved fruit Miss Jujube! She is sweet and healthy and ready to show kids just why they should li...

10 year old Zoe Capps and her father, Chris Capps have joined forces and written a book about one of their favorite recipes. 23 full pages with color pictures and much information about how to make th...

Nossos her?is enfrentam o Void liderado pelos Seis Generais Demon?acos das Gal?xias e pelas Quatro Estrelas Negras do Rei Dem?nio! E eis que surge Quosmo, para a surpresa de todos! Continue lendo Eden...

A compilation of humorous short stories about life as a daughter, a single mother, and dating. Michele Armstrong-Venegas has learned not to take life too seriously and continues to learn to find the h...

Tra?da pelos humanos, esquecida e sozinha, a pequena Hermit tem problemas em confiar em Shiki e seus amigos. Mesmo com a presen?a de outras m?quinas na nave, como Pino e Happy, a Estrela Cintilante n?...

From nutritional benefits to fun facts, you will learn everything you need to know and more about our beloved fruit Miss Dragon Fruit! She is sweet and healthy and ready to show kids just why they sho...

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Wise luta bravamente contra Killer e Shiki busca for?as para escapar e salvar os seus amigos. Enquanto isso, os tripulantes da Edens Zero resistem para defender a nave-m?e. Momentos emocionantes alcan...

"Video Games Are Not Art", or so it is said. Of course, this contention could be left well enough alone, and the video game industry would continue to make its yield ? (an output that surpassed Holly...

Uma amea?a mortal se aproxima do Planeta Gilst e agora, Shiki e seus amigos precisam se reunir novamente e retornar para o Encoura?ado Espacial Edens Zero. Ap?s o resgate das B-Cubers, novas aventuras...

Хотите за 2 месяца помолодеть на 10 лет? Это возможно! Причем без вмешательства пластического хирурга. Перед ва...


Six new games, original and mostly unique. Can you uncover A Buried Alphabet; put together the Fragments; Join the Boys (all of them!) and complete three other interesting games?画面が切り替わ...

H? 20 mil anos, quando o Ether da Terra estava acabando e o planeta caminhava para a destrui??o, houve quem tentou salv?-la... Acompanhe a jornada espacial de Shiki em Edens Zero cap?tulo 274, obra de...

Игорь Николаевич Афонин ー друг и ученик Валентины Михайловны Травинки. Психолог, действительный член Междун...

Die APO in den 1960er Jahren In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verst?rkte sich ab Mitte der 1960er Jahre mit der Studentenbewegung, die mit der APO oft synonym gesetzt wird, die bis dahin bedeutendste...

Pour sauver Nonos, Ayten a pris de gros risques. Son entreprise n’aurait pas r?ussi sans l’aide providentiel d’un Shaga? aussi myst?rieux que majestueux. Nonos, Z?d et Ayten profitent des instan...

Tom shares how girls always tell him he has to pay them money in order to like them because he is autistic. He learns growing up that he is not rich enough to live with autism. He spends much of his a...

"The Shunned House" is a horror fiction novelette by American author H. P. Lovecraft, written on October 16?19, 1924. It was first published in the October 1937 issue of Weird Tales. The Shunned House...

Книга ≪Решаем школьные проблемы. Советы нейропсихолога≫ написана на материале, собранном в течение десятил...

The Absorbent Mind was Maria Montessori's most in-depth work on her educational theory, based on decades of scientific observation of children. Her view on children and their absorbent minds was a lan...

Shiki est? em apuros e, diante de um ether impressionante, uma batalha toma propor??es inimagin?veis e pode revelar novos segredos. A aventura espacial fant?stica continua em Edens Zero cap?tulo 124....

Momentos intensos cercam nossos jovens aventureiros dentro da gigantesca nave cidade Belial Gore. Enquanto Shiki, Homura e Pino est?o tentando entender o que aconteceu com Wise, um novo inimigo surge ...


Can it please help me raise money from the publishing of the book. And may I get a rate of how many have bought and read the whole book画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下...