
Many books on vitamin C have been written over the decades since its discovery in the 1930s. The Ascorbate Papersーreferring to the formal chemical name of this interesting moleculeーaddresses the p...

The term ‘science fiction’ conjures an image of aliens, laser guns, and dystopiaーa medley of wild, improbable scenarios and possibilities. As a literary genre, we can like it or hate it, but we ...

L'Origine des especes par le moyen de la s?lection naturelle, ou la pr?servation des races favoris?es dans la lutte pour la vie (Titre anglais original : On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural S...

With all of the time and effort we spend on our gardens, we sometimes forget that Mother Nature is the best gardener of all. These hardy survivors endure drought, freezes, hail, heat, grazing & ot...

Entenda os conceitos de conjuntos, subconjuntos e opera??es com conjuntos. Este livro oferece uma an?lise detalhada das teorias matem?ticas que fundamentam a teoria dos conjuntos e suas aplica??es.画...

Written by an expert breeder: Learn the history of the Golden retriever; tips, tricks and transitions from kennel to home with your new puppy, and tasty recipes your dog will love!画面が切り替...

El ser tiene verdaderos valores Sembrados en su interior Que han sido suprimidos Por las necesidades creadas Que limitan la actividad del ser A conseguir unas monedas Que le sirvan para alimentarse Y ...

This ebook is the project write-up for a demonstration of the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) method. The ebook includes the project charter, project schedule and project plan. The project charter is base...

A beautiful, unique collection of incredible photos from across Europe.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願...

This book contains a wealth of information on the physical and optical properties of gemstones. It covers in great detail each facet of these properties in the hope it will assist you, the reader, in ...

Какого цвета ваши дни? Сплошные серые будни? Пора наконец раскрасить нашу жизнь в яркие цвета радости и здоро...

Дыхание ー это жизнь. Когда работа органов дыхания нарушается, жизнь как будто замирает, и начинается борьба с...

Niccol? Machiavelli considered this book his greatest achievement. Here you will learn how to recruit, train, motivate, and discipline an army. You will learn the difference between strategy and tacti...

Вы только что купили автомобиль и чувствуете себя по-настоящему счастливым? Значит, вы пока еще не знаете, ско...

Please note that you are reading the description for the Week 4 eBook of "The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course". The description for Week One of the course contains complete detail on the entire co...

Esta obra trata do uso do Hidrog?nio como combust?vel para os autom?veis e demais ve?culos, obtido atrav?s da ?gua pura e simples. As tecnologias que empregam o Hidrog?nio como fonte geradora de energ...

?Мучительно пытаетесь вспомнить ≪вылетевшее≫ слово? ?Вам все труднее сосредоточиться? ?Вас пугает призрак с...

L'opera di Galileo consiste in un dialogo che, confrontando le diverse opinioni degli interlocutori, gli consente di esporre le varie teorie correnti sulla cosmologia - e dunque anche quella copernica...

It consists of well-constructed points extracted from different sources like textbooks, previous exams, and online. It is very useful for students to study and get specific information that is more li...

В справочнике изложены основные разделы фтизиатрии, необходимые для работы практического врача, в том числе ...

Explore os conceitos de minerais, rochas e solo. Este livro oferece uma an?lise detalhada das propriedades e classifica??es dos materiais geol?gicos e suas aplica??es na geologia e na engenharia.画...

This is the remarkable story of an individual who experienced severe stress starting in the womb. Growing up in a highly dysfunctional family, he used intellectualization as a defense against overwhel...

This e-Book is a collection of over 30 beautiful images taken at different places of Nepal at night. The Author is an avid traveler and loves to capture images while wandering around at night. This di...

For about 2 years, I gave Computer Talks. A half-hour discussion of a variety of computer topics. These were subjects of general-public interest. This series will explore these topics. In addition to ...

This eBook examines the 10 deadliest cobras in the world. It provides a direct analysis of each snake's behavioral pattern, aggressive, and venom toxicity. This also includes a general discussion of t...

Геннадий Алексеевич Гарбузов ー известный ученый из Сочи, биолог, давний последователь академика Болотова, с...

Эта книга познакомит вас с концепцией ≪умного дома≫ и накопленными в этой области решениями, которые можно ...

Peter Carl Simons ?е радио унутар ди?еталног сектора годинама, и сведочио ?е нехуманим стратеги?ама по?единих произво?...

The reader is introduced to the basic principles of mushroom hunting. Different mushroom characteristics are explained to facilitate a thorough identification process. Only the 18 most identifiable an...

Whether it is true or not that not more than twelve persons in all the world are able to understand Einstein's Theory, it is nevertheless a fact that there is a constant demand for information about t...