[ゆうパケット可/18個まで]サクラクレパス ホワイトボードマーカー WBK#29 中字 緑 4...
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01月31日 21時02分更新
Character green out of Sakura Color Products Corp. white board marker WBK#29
価格:107円 (税込) 送料別
評価:0 レビュー:0件
●寸法:111mm(キャップ付き)Green The white board marker (middle character) of the ketone ink type. It is the standard marker which is usable in offices.
●An ink color: Green
● materials: Ink = color ink, canned axis = aluminum
● dimensions: 111mm (with the cap) JAN: 4901881185915
◆Body weight (kg): 0.015
◆ 個装幅 (mm): 137
◆ 個装奥行 (mm): It is 21
◆ 個装高 (mm): 20
◆ 個装重量 (kg): 0.014How to order in shopping cart