Tesania: Trannyth's Keep: An Epic Fantasy Adventure【電子書籍】[ Grant E Brazell ]

03月12日 13時44分更新
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Tesania is the only survivor after her village is massacred by magically altered beasts. In the aftermath of the attack she senses her father's sword calling out to her, the hilt reforming to fit her small hand as she draws the blade from its sheath. With its magic tingling at her nerves, she embarks on a mission of revenge. Could her father's sword be the ancient weapon spoken of in the decaying parchments of the Tenule chronicles, imbued with magic and forged with blood? Can it possibly make the difference when she stands before the evil mage, Trannyth, and demands her vengeance on his beasts?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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