People, Politics, and Profits: The Ties that Bind Main Street, the Beltway, and Wall Street【電子書籍】[...


This essay is an attempt to provide a look at some of the realities that have evolved as people and organizations reexamine their everyday decisions in the contexts of shifting institutional priorities, changing global dynamics, underfunded public expenditures, and perhaps hidden agendas. In my discussion on "Main Street" America, I offer an overview of the shifts taking place as families and enterprises adapt to a new normal for their lives. "A Shift By and For the People" looks at how macro and micro changes are impacting individual citizens and the choices they make. "Equal Sacrifice at Every Level" reinforces the importance of shared responsibility as it relates to the budget priorities at every level of the public sector. "Class Warfare: The Elephant in the Room" is a reminder that the interests of all Americans must be accounted for without regard to class. "The American Electorate is Speaking, Is Anyone Listening?" describes shifting sentiments across the electorate as people come to grips with shrinking incomes and investments. The section on "The Beltway" is a look at some of the problems that continue to hinder real progress in Washington, D.C. "Deaf Ears and Blinded Eyes: Hypocritical and Schizophrenic Elected Officials" will sound familiar to some as it explores the double standards that emanate out of our nation’s capital. And "Beltway Elitism and Condescension: Front and Center" coupled with "Sarah Palin: A Case Study for Washington Elitism and Condescension" accentuate the sad tendencies of the elites who occupy the Beltway corridor. And with my concluding remarks about "Wall Street," I explain how we are more tied to high finance than we think, as I propose that "Wall Street is Main Street."画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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