The Lesson【電子書籍】[ Grant Parachor ]
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NEW YORK NY NA NEWSNET ENTWEB editorial “It’s scary like some great dimly evil miss-benevolent purpose fraught with unforeseen implications innumerable. Now they think they seem to have to know what we’re thinking. All we think. In this twisted project the government has overstepped the bounds of human reason.” Dr Irene Jockman NA Senator A ‘science’ project is underway worldwide that reduces the entire existence of an individual to a stream of data. It started slowly as a scientific question engineered to an answer. Now it threatens all that humanity is. All that makes us human. ‘They‘, the anonymous scientists described by Dr Jockman have devised a way to enter a persons mind subconsciously and record what goes on there physically and physiologically and psychologically. While capturing subtle conditioned responses on all levels ‘they’ can record all the reactions possible. ‘They’ can take all the data gathered and use the inter-connected-ness of that persons word and image thought stream and replay a person’s life. Now that ‘they’ have learned to read a persons past through the persons own mind ‘they’ will use this soon to try to learn the future. Now no thought is safe from their need to know. The psycho-physiological experiments of the past have given the government a tremendous resource of technological monitoring capability. Now the social-engineering industry has its master key to our minds. They can open the door to places the government has always secretly wanted to go. Using its own security as justification it has long sought ways to anticipate the ordinary citizens many potentially erratic behaviors. Now ‘they’ have a way to know it all. They can declare an end to victimization while making victims of us all. Look at your wallet lami for that driver’s license strip, for the BIO ID strip and think of whom you got it from. The government has continuously expanded the definition of what it has felt necessary to know. Do you think ‘they’ don’t know about you already? Have a driver’s license? Pay with lami swipes? Do you own your own home? Work a steady job? ‘They’ already know more about you then you have forgotten about yourself. There is not necessarily someone about to visit you to, like a vampire, drain you of all you know. But commit a crime, or seek health care, or go to work for the government, ‘just sign this little lami form.’ The mind study subjects are sought on the government welfare rolls, with employment advertisements, paid government surveys. More than a few people are eager to participate, tempted emotionally by the seeming deep interest of their government in their lives. Proud to prove they have nothing to hide. The data collected is much more than a computerized version of twenty questions; it can record response’s for dictionaries of words, encyclopedic volumes of contextual connections, entire histories of anecdotal memories. They read the electro-chemical book of the brain. This opens the way to general mind testing of the whole population. That’s right, we are on the threshold of an organized process of weeding humanity of those with deviant thought characteristics. The process is being given a comparative database in prisons and hospitals as I write. To replay a persons thoughts and memories will allow the government to find out criminals through mental confession. So much for traditional protection from self-incrimination. How much is too much to know? When will ‘they’ start to search our minds and begin acting on what they think they find before we can commit ‘crimes‘?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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