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Bloody Harvest, A Jake Stone Thriller (Book 15)【電子書籍】[ T.L. Peters ]

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04月27日 08時04分更新
Bloody Harvest, A Jake Stone Thriller (Book 15)【電子書籍】[ T.L. Peters ]


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In this new installment of the Jake Stone series, Jake and Snowflake confront a mysterious female marauder preying on men. "This is a short book, but one loaded with action and a slew of unexpected twists and turns. The story will keep you turning the pages well into the night to find out what happens next." Theodora "Peters writes in his blog that he plans to take a break from the Jake Stone series to focus on other projects. I hope the break doesn't last too long. I, for one, am hooked on Snowflake. What a woman!!?
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