
Some of Her Parts【電子書籍】[ Natascha Scrivener ]

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04月24日 03時05分更新
Some of Her Parts【電子書籍】[ Natascha Scrivener ]


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"Poetry from the mind of Natascha Scrivener takes on a life of its own in the collection SOME OF HER PARTS. Vivid imagery and wild descriptions color the contemporary topics of break-ups, illicit sexual trysts, aging, and writers of fiction, among many others. Odes to perfect dream men, Oats (a cat), and Dracula (a masquerader?) are some samples of the subject matter that Scrivener presents from her day to day observations of people, places, things, and thoughts. Scrivener's use of paradox, as in "The Boy" is a running theme through the collection ("Don't worry, I'm here; I'm your girl") as well as her tendency to call out individuals in particular ("Jennifer Schecter, For you the words from a salted tongue"), as seen in the title piece, "Some of Her Parts." At times dreamlike with glitter (although often it tarnishes...), and then suddenly venomous, Scrivener's poetry is consistently brilliant!?
" - Beth Lynne, BZ HERCULES PUBLISHERS画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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