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What to do when the Energetic Roller Coaster Ride is Too Much【電子書籍】[ Li Lan Chan ]

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04月25日 22時20分更新
What to do when the Energetic Roller Coaster Ride is Too Much【電子書籍】[ Li Lan Chan ]


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We generate and draw stuff (energies, emotions, thought-forms, etc...) to us every day, and our physical body holds the total sum of everything we as individuals have ever experienced from any and all lifetimes. The more stuff we hold in our body, the greater chance there is for energy waves to latch on - following the Universal Law of ‘Like attracts Like’. And this is then why you want to clear the body of the so-called ‘negative’, lower-density, vibrational energies. The less there are of these, the less you will attract their likeness to you. What remains are the so-called ‘good’ energies like joy, happiness, peace, etc... ? which then draws more of the same to you, but in an uplifting, ‘positive’ way. You have not dealt with your so-called ‘negative’ stuff and issues, if they are being held within your body. Instead of surfing the waves, we end up crashing.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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