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Far Away Ties【電子書籍】[ Suzi Knox ]

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03月04日 13時41分更新
Far Away Ties【電子書籍】[ Suzi Knox ]


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Warren, a young business man, travels to a far away county to meet up with an old friend whilst negotiating mining rights for his company. His friend, Turom, happens to be the son of a local warlord, living in the luxury of a palace and served by many slaves, one of whom is particularly well-endowed in the chest area. Warren can't resist her and is soon making use of her ample charms. Here is an extract from chapter one: He went on “The silver-collared ones however are at your complete disposal, to be used where and however you wish, so just snap your fingers and a slave will attend you. They are all trained to be totally obedient, and although most do not understand English I’m sure you’ll find ways to make your wishes clear. Follow these simple rules and I promise that you will thoroughly enjoy yourself here!?
” “You bet I will!?
” said Warren, as he continued to fondle the slave girl’s big bound tits. “As it happens, this one does speak English and will be able to follow your orders immediately. Isn’t that so, girl?” “Yes, Master” answered the slave, her two simple words causing Warren’s cock, already massively rigid, to almost burst the stitching of his trousers. Turom turned to face Warren. “Would you like a chance to freshen up before you meet my father? Dinner will be served in about one and a half hours. I’m sure that you are looking forward to that shower after your long journey, so I’ll leave this girl with you to make sure you get a good rub down”. He winked again and passed the leash to Warren who took it in surprise. “Let’s show you to your room then!?
” and off he marched across the lawn towards the house, Warren trailing slightly and leading his borrowed slave along by her leash. This is a short story of just over 10,000 words. It features themes that some readers may not wish to explore, and may be categorised as 'mild BDSM'画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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