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It's My Birthday【電子書籍】[ Mark Revis ]

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03月04日 07時33分更新
It's My Birthday【電子書籍】[ Mark Revis ]


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Mark's Mad Phonic Series is a set of graded readers helping children learn to read. The series starts from your child's first words and continues to reading fluency. This is Level 8 Book 3. This book is all about a special birthday!?
This is NOT just a story!?
This is part of a series of books to help young children to read. This book is level 8 book 3. Each book in the series contains 3 stories. Each story follows the same story line, but each is of different level. So your child can read through the series again and again, each time choosing a harder level. The first level of each book also has audio (go to the last page of the book to find a special link to download the .mp3 audio file) Let your child listen to a native English speaker read the book as they read along. With Mark’s Mad Phonics every child can become a fluent and independent reader!?
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