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Original Games and Novel Game Variations【電子書籍】[ Stanley Korn ]

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03月10日 04時11分更新
Original Games and Novel Game Variations【電子書籍】[ Stanley Korn ]


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Black Box is a game designed to simulate the process of scientific discovery. One of the players assumes the role of Nature and devises a process. The other players, acting in the role of scientists, attempt to discover Nature’s process by performing simulated experiments by providing Nature with inputs and observing the corresponding outputs produced by Nature. One of the benefits of playing Black Box, other than the enjoyment of the game, is that it provides the players with an opportunity to practice and thereby improve their pattern recognition skills. Questions requiring pattern recognition ability, such as analogies and complete the series, appear prominently on intelligence tests, which are used as admission criteria for high IQ societies such as Mensa, and on similar tests such as the SAT, a high score on which increases your chances of gaining admission to the college of your choice. Quick Release is a game designed to determine which of two players has the faster reaction time, without the need for elaborate measuring instruments or the injury and death associated with gun duels. The game of “What Can It Be?” develops the imagination and visualization skills of the players by requiring them to come up with objects having increasingly longer lists of characteristics. Word Link requires the players to construct a sequence of words linking a given starting word with a given ending word, where every word in the sequence must be derived from the previous word by one of the operations specified in the game description. The novel games variations section breathes new life into old favorites, including card games, among which are bridge, poker, and War, as well as board games, including checkers, chess, Monopoly, Parcheesi, and Scrabble. The Academic Treasure Hunt adds an educational opportunity to the enjoyment of a treasure hunt. These novel variations of popular games add elements of strategy, complexity, challenge, and renewed interest to the original games.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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