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Ready for the Rapture【電子書籍】[ Benjamin Reynolds ]

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03月06日 14時52分更新
Ready for the Rapture【電子書籍】[ Benjamin Reynolds ]


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No one knows the day or hour of the resurrection, but the Bible does provide specific events and occurrences leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In addition to providing specific events surrounding the rapture, the Old and New Testaments give us instructions on how to prepare for the coming of the Lord. This book takes an in-depth look at these events and instructions as well as: -The definition of the resurrection -The signs preceding the Second coming of Jesus Christ -14 specific events which occur before the Rapture -The relationship between the Tribulation Period and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ -Whether or not the Resurrection is different from the Second Coming of Jesus Christ -An examination of the "Resurrection Parables" -The current State of the Church in relation to the Rapture -A checklist to see if you are personally ready for the rapture This book will not only equip and motivate you to prepare for the rapture, but will also ignite a powerful passion to "know him and the power of his resurrection." -Philippians 3:10画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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