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Urban Changeling【電子書籍】[ Sarina Dorie ]

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09月17日 04時43分更新
Urban Changeling【電子書籍】[ Sarina Dorie ]


価格:107 (税込) 送料込 カード決済 OK送料無料
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Magic. Jehovah’s witchnesses. Karmic collisions. . . . On Megan’s first day at her new school, someone writes on her locker, “Go join the Witness Protection Program,” referencing her family’s religion as Jehovah’s Witnesses. More than anything, sixteen-year-old Megan wants to belong. She wants to fit in at her new school and have a best friend. When she meets Karma, destinies collide. Her new friend brings magic and mystery into her life. The two kindred spirits fill their time together with full moon rituals, classroom frog resurrections, and trying to sneak off without a psychic mother noticing. The crystal ball sees trouble brewing. . . . Megan’s parents don’t approve of her new friend’s bad influence and worldly ways. Nor do Karma’s parents approve of Megan’s strict, secular upbringing. All that stands in Megan’s way of finding herself is god, her parents and her religion. No biggie, right? Will she choose tradition and religion or friendship and magic? Will she become her opposite, an URBAN CHANGELING?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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