
Kaleidoscope: A Regency Novella【電子書籍】[ Hannah Meredith ]

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04月20日 20時08分更新
Kaleidoscope: A Regency Novella【電子書籍】[ Hannah Meredith ]


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Born in India, Carolyn Rydell moves her shipping business to London. Although she’s exotically beautiful and wealthy, her late husband’s aristocratic family rejects her because of her profession and heritage. Feeling increasingly isolated, Caro uses work as a shield against loneliness. Then she finds an injured man floating in the Thamesーand the pattern of her life changes. The injured man is Lord Lucien Harlington. The youngest son of a marquess, Luke is accused of seducing and abandoning a young lady. Disgraced and estranged from his family, he tries to live down to others’ expectations. But now he’s become disgusted with his dissolute lifestyle and longs to start anew. To do so, however, but must find his missing legacyーa cache of jewels. Luke’s innate kindness and golden good looks spark Caro’s desire, but she fears he’s attracted to her money and not herself. For his part, Luke finds his rescuer fascinating and wants more than the friendship she offers. Surrounded by greed, bigotry, and betrayal, Caro and Luke try to discover the passion and love that will complete the patterns of their lives. “A stunningly beautiful story of undeniable love draped across the harsh realities of an unforgiving time.” - Jessie Clever, author of A Countess Most Daring画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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