
The Singing Sands An Inspector Alan Grant Mystery【電子書籍】[ Josephine Tey ]

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04月25日 13時15分更新
The Singing Sands An Inspector Alan Grant Mystery【電子書籍】[ Josephine Tey ]


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Inspector Alan Grant is on a sleeper from London to somewhere in the north of Scotland, to spend time with a cousin, fishing and recovering from a nervous breakdown. Unfortunately ? or perhaps fortunately for Grant ? a young man in an adjacent compartment is found dead on arrival, the result (it seems) of a drunken accident. Grant absent-mindedly picks up the dead man’s newspaper along with his own and finds a mysterious verse scribbled on its margin. From then on the mysterious occupant of compartment B7 engrosses him in a way that brings him out of his own trauma and ready to face the world again. It’s a whodunnit, yes, because you’ll have guessed that B7 didn’t die by accident; but it’s much more than that. Josephine Tey’s insights, characters and rich vocabulary lift this well above most of its genre.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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