
Heroes' Calling Revised Edition【電子書籍】[ Edge Celize ]

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03月04日 16時52分更新
Heroes' Calling Revised Edition【電子書籍】[ Edge Celize ]


価格:110 (税込) 送料込 カード決済 OK送料無料
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"I wish there was sumtin I can do… to free us from the fear of being discovered… who woulda thought that to save the world, I’d have to be the monster to destroy it first. I didn’t know where my decisions would take me, I didn’t know who I’d meet on the way, and least of all I didn’t know what the outcome would be… Religion, what a bunch of bullshit… the government… just another form of religion if you ask me… whatever I have to do, I’m gonna do it, I’m tired of living a life where I have to hide my powers… we’re all tired of hiding… this is our chance to do sumtin, this is gonna be our time now, and I’ll never back down. -Edge." A defiant story about a guy and his friends. Together they must over come the obstacle of government and religion in order to save themselves and the world... but in order to do so, they must become the monsters to destroy it first. Their destiny is more important then they could ever realize..." This story has comedy, friendship, drama, adventure, excitement, and everything else you might find in your everyday lives. Join Edge as learns to use his powers to fight those that try to oppress the weaker voices. Fight alongside his friends as they try to make the world a better place for them and their kind. A defiant and daring tale that will make you wonder who or what the real evil is in this world. (Note - html preview does not include page breaks. Written in a Play/Script style format to help convey the highly conversational nature of the book.) This ambitious novel, written mostly in the form of a play, combines action, mythology, religion and anime. Edge is an Asian-American teen from Brooklyn who, as a child, discovers he can harness heat energy and shoot fireballs. He possesses this power as the result of a war waged between Jehovah and Lucifer, in which one of Lucifer’s generals turned against his master and fought on the side of goodness. Details of this war were apparently suppressed by the Church, as was the fact that Adam was an angel and Eve a demon. These bold assertions are typical of the novel’s incredibly complex, often difficult-to-follow plot. As Edge grows up, he finds that many of his close friends have extraordinary powers, too, including the ability to teleport. This connection to friends with superpowers proves to be fortuitous, since Lucifer’s generals have returned to Earth to reclaim the scattered, mystical sources of their power. The underlying scenario has potential, but unfortunately, and for no clear reason, the novel is written like a play, with the action in brackets. With admirable consistency, this technique is sustained across hundreds of pages, although it doesn’t quite benefit the telling of the tale. The dialogue is perfunctory and triteー“Raven: I got a plan, and it’s an awesome plan!?
”ーand the stage-direction rendering of the novel’s action tends to dampen the wonder of what could be spectacular scenes, especially Edge becoming an angel in heaven, the fights between angels and demons, and even a nuclear blast. The sketches of action struggle to leave an impression: “\[The War Commandant leaves the office and gets into a helicopter that takes him to an unnamed building in a field of grass. He exits, enters the facility, and gets on an elevator that takes him a few floors down. The elevator opens into a room with a person strapped to a table with his arms and legs spread apart.\]” Also, in the repetitive fight scenes, main characters call out their signature moves before executing them, as in a video game or animeーparallels young readers may or may not enjoy... - Kirkus Review 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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