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The American Way... or ... The Requiem of Enlightenment ( A One-Act Play )【電子書籍】[ JC Lord 2 ]

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04月27日 11時18分更新
The American Way... or ... The Requiem of Enlightenment ( A One-Act Play )【電子書籍】[ JC Lord 2 ]


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choices to be made with life of life over love of art or love and resposiblity to a possible chaining future of a family and a family to come. One night of an absurd Amway pitch of an old high school friend. Jed is confranted with some very real life choices and given a seamingly easy way out to solve them, when he recieves a phone call, the pitching key to his seamingly freedom.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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