Absalom, Absalom!【電子書籍】[ William Faulkner ]


Both daunting and sublime in equal measure. In Absalom, Absalom!?
Faulkner engages the reader in a dizzying display of literary chess. The first two chapters of this book (and the chapters are often quite long) border on being barely comprehensible, perhaps somewhat similar to a conversation between strangers that one might eavesdrop upon in public. Just as one is starting to feel some sense of readerly footing with the text or else give up on the book entirely, Faulkner will reveal another important detail in the main plot that further illuminates the story just enough to keep the reader going. Essentially Absalom, Absalom!?
is like an onion in that it requires from us a lifetime of re-readings in order to discern all of the layers. The man himself never stood taller than five feet, six inches tall, but in the realm of American literature, William Faulkner is a giant. More than simply a renowned Mississippi writer, the Nobel Prize-winning novelist and short story writer is acclaimed throughout the world as one of the twentieth century’s greatest writers, one who transformed his “postage stamp” of native soil into an apocryphal setting in which he explored, articulated, and challenged “the old verities and truths of the heart.” During what is generally considered his period of greatest artistic achievement, from The Sound and the Fury in 1929 to Go Down, Moses in 1942, Faulkner accomplished in a little over a decade more artistically than most writers accomplish over a lifetime of writing. It is one of the more remarkable feats of American literature, how a young man who never graduated from high school, never received a college degree, living in a small town in the poorest state in the nation, all the while balancing a growing family of dependents and impending financial ruin, could during the Great Depression write a series of novels all set in the same small Southern county ー novels that include As I Lay Dying, Light in August, and above all, Absalom, Absalom!?
ー that would one day be recognized as among the greatest novels ever written by an American.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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