From the Depths of Thyme: Life, Sex and Transformation【電子書籍】[ Lauren O. Thyme ]


Poetry speaks for me when I cannot easily or thoroughly articulate what I’m feeling and experiencing. Thus my poetry emerges from “the depths” of me, where symbols, metaphors, and emotions surge and become words. My life journeys include being a psychic counselor, spiritual seeker, abused child, recovering adult, many love relationships gained and lost, an activist, philosopher, astrologer, writer, disabled person who miraculously healed after forty years, mother, grandmother, organic gardener, permaculture farmer, world traveler and senior citizen. My book is divided my book into eight categories: cosmic; passion and love; relationship challenges; 12 step issues; humor and satire; political commentary; haiku; death, grief and loss. Cosmic After a near-death experience when I was 5 years old, I became a psychic, visionary, healer, and an empath. During an out-of-body experience I remember soaring through a loving universe heading toward a reunion with gold light. In 1970 I was gifted with a New Gold Life and a new astrology chart from which came “A New Gold Life ? Telegram from the Universe.” I remember 98 of my past lives in exquisite detail. My poem “Remembering” is about that topic using the smell of bread as a means to travel through time and place. “The healing at El Sanctuario de Chimayo” was a cosmic experience but I decided to put it in the relationship category instead. “Following the energy” describes a portion of my astrology chart while learning to trust in following the energy. Passion and Love I adore men, actively seek romantic relationships with them, while I feel intense passion and love for a select few. I dedicate these poems to those special men, while using poetry to work through issues that arise. Like Addo Annie from the musical Oklahoma, “kissing is my favorite food.” Relationship challenges Relationship challenges are universal, sweet and sometimes melancholy. I grow, evolve and learn within relationships, particularly those with men. I’m also a practicing astrologer so I combined poetry with my knowledge of astrology to help me through a tough transition (“Relationship to Planetary Transits”). 12 Step issues I have been a member of four 12-step programs for over 30 years. I find that poetry is an outlet for my own and others’ grief, anger, and suffering, as well as to celebrate the success of 12-step programs and the recovery of millions of people worldwide. Humor and Satire My humor tends towards dark and satirical, and sometimes incorporates puns. I published a few of these satiric poems on Feh!?
A Journal of Odious poetry, which gave me an outlet for my crazy wit. Political commentary I’ve been a political activist, humanist, and survivalist, writing my own political blog and newsletter while being a guest writer on I save friends from having to listen to my ranting by writing political poems. Haiku ? just for fun I took a haiku class in 2013 after the death of my husband of 23 years. These are my two haiku poems thus far. In my opinion, haiku reduces poetry to a simple form. “Upon Arising” is another haiku, but I put it in the passion and love section instead. Death, grief and loss Being a Scorpio and a psychic, as well a lifelong member of Alanon (friends and family of alcoholics) and ACA (adult children of alcoholics and dysfunctional families), I have experienced grief and loss, abandonment, shame, and struggle. My first love Pat drowned when we were both just fourteen years old. After being together for 23 years, my fourth partner Paul died in 2013, the same year Huddie, my dearest friend of 35 years, passed. My mother died suddenly in a car accident. I was disabled for forty years with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivities, and depression, then amazingly recovered. My poems are intense, sometimes painful to read, but creating poetry has eased me through numerous challenges.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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