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Understanding Descartes: I Am, I Exist【電子書籍】[ Hercules Bantas ]

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03月03日 06時48分更新
Understanding Descartes: I Am, I Exist【電子書籍】[ Hercules Bantas ]


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In Meditations on First Philosophy, Ren? Descartes uses rational thought to argue that his essence exists in his thoughts alone. He reasons that the mind and body are distinct and separable, and that the mind, as the originator of thought, is what defines the person. This guide will outline the reasoning Descartes' uses in establishing his theory of knowledge that he argues is necessary to form a 'proper foundation' for the sciences and move it away from the medieval systems that were the prevailing orthodoxies of the time.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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