
Hotel Bethany-An Erotic Tale In Paris【電子書籍】[ Gabriella Deveraux ]

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04月25日 16時45分更新
Hotel Bethany-An Erotic Tale In Paris【電子書籍】[ Gabriella Deveraux ]


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The introduction into the Erotic Hotel Series. This first book introduces us to Gabriella Deveraux and gives us a brief look into her character and her new EROTIC ADVENTURE. What she finds is something different than what she went to Paris for in the first place. She walks through the gritty streets of Paris in the neighborhood of Pigalle Place, the famous sex district in Paris looking for a door that would lead her to a place she never thought she would go. Seduced by the streets of Paris and a mysterious french men Gabriella embraces her sexual side and goes down the infamous alley and comes out a different person altogether. If you like mystery,erotica, and a bit of role play with BDSM you will enjoy this gritty tale. See more on wordpress.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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