
The Drifter Vol.5 - Ghosts - (A Mike McCoy Encounter)【電子書籍】[ Bebe Smith ]

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04月25日 00時37分更新
The Drifter Vol.5 - Ghosts - (A Mike McCoy Encounter)【電子書籍】[ Bebe Smith ]


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In the 5th instalment of Bebe Smith's erotica series, “The Drifter”, our hero, the young widower, Mike McCoy, finally arrives in Coachella, where he and his soulmate, Cassie, used to spend every April at the famous music festival. Mike hangs out at The Date Shed, where he and Cassie used to go screwing in the restrooms. He needs his memories, even though they hurt like hell. Then, two teenage cuties enter the barn, in an attempt to escape the furious sun, and Mike finds himself the object of some much-needed attention...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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