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Dragon Groomer【電子書籍】[ Amber Kell ]

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04月24日 22時06分更新
Dragon Groomer【電子書籍】[ Amber Kell ]


価格:106 (税込) 送料込 カード決済 OK送料無料
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Derlin thought working at a dragon stable would be the job of a lifetime. Little did he know he’d find the man who would become his world. As soon as he spotted the dragon groomer Tyron knew he’d found his match. Never before had he felt such an instantaneous attraction. Derlin has secrets he can’t share, secrets that aren’t only his. When Tyron’s life depends on Derlin’s abilities does he dare to take a chance or does he let Tyron die to protect his family?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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