
A Billion Gods and Goddesses: The Mythology Behind the Pipe Woman Chronicles, Second Edition【電子書籍】...

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03月07日 01時11分更新
A Billion Gods and Goddesses: The Mythology Behind the Pipe Woman Chronicles, Second Edition【電子書籍】[ Lynne Cantwell ]


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“Under a velvet sky spangled with a billion stars…” More than forty deities, representative of sixteen pantheons from around the world, have found Their way into the twelve books and assorted short stories of the Pipe Woman Chronicles story cycle. In A Billion Gods and Goddesses: The Mythology Behind the Pipe Woman Chronicles, you will find additional information on each of the deities in this urban fantasy series, as well as a brief foundation in comparative mythology. This second edition adds deities from the final two books in the Pipe Woman's Legacy series, which had not yet been published when the first edition of this book went to press. The gods and goddesses in the Pipe Woman Chronicles hail from Alaska to Mexico, and from Russia and Scandinavia to Ireland and Japan -- with pantheons of several Native American tribes well represented. A Billion Gods and Goddesses is meant to be a companion volume to the Pipe Woman Chronicles, but it also serves as a wide-ranging introduction to the subject of mythology. Anyone curious about what others believe will find something to interest them here.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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