
La Dolce's Decision Book 2【電子書籍】[ Bo Widerberg ]

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03月09日 11時33分更新
La Dolce's Decision Book 2【電子書籍】[ Bo Widerberg ]


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After this trouble with Count Salvador's friend, the three, La Dolce, Beatrice and Salvador were sitting talking about the business when la Dolce received another letter. Opening it up to find out who the next target would be she almost fell off the chair when she looked at the picture of Count Salvador. Salvador, you are my next target, what in all hell have you been doing? I haven't done anything, this must be a mistake. Well, man phones up the agency and find out what is happening, said la Dolce and handed Salvador her telephone. Getting in touch with the head office, the Count is told that it must be a mistake, the letter we sent out is telling everyone that you are the new field manager. Well, the letter la Dolce just received puts me at the next target. A dreadful mistake, we are by telephone contacting all our agents about this mistake. A short while later, la Dolce's phone rang, and she was told that Salvador is not a target, it was all a mistake. The three decides to drive up to the agency to find out who tried to have Salvador killed. It turned out that a person from Ireland, a Kurt Klantz had changed the wording of the letter, to have the count killed. Our three friends decide to go to Ireland and have a word with this Klantz. They find him at a fairground, ready to tell the full audience about the company that has paid assassins that for a fee, is killing people. He is just about to tell everybody the name of the company when la Dolce's bullet hit him between his eyes. Now our three friends have to get away, not to be taken by the local police. With luck on their side, they return home and collect the twenty-five thousand for the killing of Klantz.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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