
Son of a Grit: A collection of short stories【電子書籍】[ Dennis E. Smirl ]

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03月12日 20時56分更新
Son of a Grit: A collection of short stories【電子書籍】[ Dennis E. Smirl ]


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What happens next when a crazy uncle sends you a metal detector with instructions to search your back yard? And what happens when you find something you know you didn't bury? Can a garage move from a neighbor's yard to your yard all by itself? If you're driving home some night on a dark, lonely hightay, should you stop for a holdup gangーor run them over? Can you buy more trouble than you can handle with an old baseball card? Or can you trade it for something you want back in your life? What kind of danger waits for you when you try to salvage the guns from a crashed airplane in a war zone? Do some people have to spin tales about themselves, or are they burying their secrets with lies? What do you do when you find a murder victim at a public event, and the cops suspect that you're the murderer? How can you tell if an old man is confessing to several murders or just telling a tall tale about the Old West? What do you believe when a mysterious figure keeps popping up throughout your live, and never ages? How do you accept the gifts he keeps giving you when you didn't even know you needed them? These questions and more are answered in the pages of Son of a Gritーbut not always the way you expect because for some of us, the world is never quite what we think it is.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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