By the Lake【電子書籍】[ Bo Widerberg ]


Home at Laura's living-room we were four friends having a cup of coffee around eleven in the morning when we heard on the news that a good friend of ours, Loraine, was found dead under the jetty at a lake in Plant City. An elderly man that had been out with his dog, saw the body floating under the jetty and instantly called the police. When they arrived, it was clear that this was a homicide, and the homicide squad was called. I have a feeling she was out with my brother Burt, said Ann, I told her yesterday not to go out with him, but she did anyway. Don't blame him before we know what has happened, said Laura. Okay, answered Ann. I'll call him and find out what he did last night. She phoned up her mother and asked what time Burt came home last night. He is standing here, do you want to talk to him? Yeah sure. But what happened by the lake last night? I was there with Loraine, and she started to scream so I hit her with the back of my hand, so those other shouldn't hear her, then I left. And as I left she screamed back at me, so she was alive when I left. But Burt, who were those other you spoke about? Some people in a blue Mustang. Would you recognize that mustang if you saw it? Yeah sure, it was an elderly model, and it had a USF sticker on it. You know the bull. Burt you have to get up to the police and tell them your story, you left the pub with her, so you are a suspect. The girls found out that Bill, the killer, has a family hideaway south-east of Okeechobee. The four girls drove down there to see if they could find Bill and his blue Mustang. On their way to Okeechobee Laura got a call from detective Smart. Do not make contact with the local police chief is Bill Snider's dad. They are the original red necks, and family goes before everything, even police work or murder. However with the help of FBI the girls got the right people in jail, Even Detective Smart helped Bill, they are cousins.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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