
A Superhero's Past【電子書籍】[ Robert Ale ]

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03月09日 10時59分更新
A Superhero's Past【電子書籍】[ Robert Ale ]


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: A Superhero’s Past is about two aging friends who stumble upon an infomercial claiming they’ve patented the worlds first, “Superpowers in a bottle.” Both friends get the idea to buy these superpowers, and give them to their younger selves. After successfully giving their younger selves the superpowers, one friend decides he will use his powers for good, Treadwell while the other decides he will use them for evil, Freddie. Upon deciding that, both take their sides, and begin in an all out war that may never end. But eventually Freddie does get the best of Treadwell. Freddie freezes Treadwell in an iceberg million of years in the past. Freddie then makes his way to present time, where he begins his world domination. He puts the population under mind control and messes with them for his own amusement. But… There’s one thing Freddie didn’t think of. The iceberg Treadwell is in melts due to global warming. With Treadwell set free, he is able to try and stop Freddie one last time. He ends up besting Freddie, and manages to convince him the world isn’t such a shitty place after all. Freddie then devises a plan to stop everything before it happens. He sends Treadwell into the past to stop Freddie’s older self from giving Freddie’s younger self the superpowers. After a long discussion with Freddie’s older self, he agrees not to give his younger self the superpowers. Freddie’s older self then goes back into the future and stops Treadwell’s older self from doing the same thing. The past is now restore and the two friends can begin to look towards their futures.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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