
Henry Ford Has a Problem【電子書籍】[ William Sabin ]

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04月27日 09時42分更新
Henry Ford Has a Problem【電子書籍】[ William Sabin ]


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Henry Ford had a problem. Many people would think it was a good problem, but it was still a problem. What was his problem? Henry Ford was selling too many cars. Henry had made the first Model T in 1909. He made sure that it was cheap. He wanted anyone to be able to buy a car. He got a lot of people to sell it. He also had the newspapers write about it. Henry also sold the car in different ways. There was a regular Model T that people could ride in. But that was not all. There was also a Model T pickup. There was one with a flatbed on the back. A flatbed is like the bottom part of a pickup truck. It has the flat bottom part, but not the sides. Henry also put ads in papers. On of the ads showed a plow hooked to a Model T. In Henry's mind, this car could do a lot of things. He thought it would work for lots of people. Lots of people thought so too. They were buying the cars. Find out how Henry solves the problem and starts making cars much faster in this fun 15-minute book. Ages 7 and up. Reading level 2.9 This book is part of our "Heroes in History" series. These 15-minute books focus on a specific moment in a historic person's life. Aimed at second graders, they provide the perfect introduction to famous Americans in an exciting, fun-to-read way. LearningIsland.com believes in the value of children practicing reading for 15 minutes every day. Our 15-Minute Books give children lots of fun, exciting choices to read, from classic stories, to mysteries, to books of knowledge. Many books are appropriate for hi-lo readers. Open the world of reading to a child by having them read for 15 minutes a day.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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