
New Beginnings: Vol. 2【電子書籍】[ Don Wooldridge ]

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04月25日 21時06分更新
New Beginnings: Vol. 2【電子書籍】[ Don Wooldridge ]


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“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.” ~ Seneca Sarah Hunter’s past catches up with her when the IRS files criminal charges and FBI agents arrest her and she is ? like a thief in the night, swept away to a downtown Chicago jail. Will Sarah ever see the light of day again? Kent’s Crodin’s world crumbles when he loses everything in a fire. However, his research, generosity, and contribution to the community comes back to him when the community pulls together to help him recover. Will this, too, come under IRS scrutiny and threaten his future? Wendy Jo Crodin is born to a mother who imagines she will be a little girl to be pampered and taught to be a lady. Wendy, however, is everything but a lady - a tom-boy and a daddy’s girl… whose mischievous antics entertain the town and exasperate her mother. Can Wendy learn to mature and correct her impish ways? ~New Beginnings, the sequel to The Secrets of Clayton County, is a story that stands on its own merit. It opens on Sarah Hunter returning to the small Iowa town to which the IRS had previously sent her ? to destroy, all for the sake of making a point of securing revenue for bartering exchanges which were certainly far more cultural than financial transactions. The new beginnings Sarah experiences come one after the other as she leaves a fascinating career and significant other in Chicago ? to find her place in a sleepy little Iowa town. Anna Weber Literary Strategist画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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