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Discussion of Own Birth: A Taboo【電子書籍】[ Hiranya Borah ]

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10月18日 14時19分更新
Discussion of Own Birth: A Taboo【電子書籍】[ Hiranya Borah ]


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So far birth is concerned, there may be three major categories, a) planned, executed and then give birth a healthy child, b) Not planned but happy to welcome a new one and then give birth a healthy child and c) Not planned and unhappy to welcome a new one and then give birth a unhealthy, either physically or mentally or both physically and mentally child. The third categories of children have to suffer whole life, physically, mentally, socially and financially. Accidents may be avoided by taking appropriate steps with proper precautions. But once accident happens, instead of condemning each other, both should be united and welcome the newborn. Otherwise the new born may lose confidence in himself/ herself which will affect both mental and physical health of the child. In the long run, this child may develop anguish against the parents and against the society as a whole. This may lead to production of antisocial also. To avoid such a situation, the parents should take appropriate steps so that the child would never feel that he/ she is not unwanted to them nor to the society as a whole. Affection of parents will build self confidence in the mind of the new born which in turn will help the whole society void of mentally or physically disabled/ ill persons. If the first part is inevitable, second part, that correction of the fault lies with the parents. We can correct the mistakes and make our progeny healthy in all respect.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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