
Belle gets Involved, Book two【電子書籍】[ Bo Widerberg ]

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03月07日 11時01分更新
Belle gets Involved, Book two【電子書籍】[ Bo Widerberg ]


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When Belle goes out to get a dozen donuts, she is kidnapped by two men. She is taken to an address, where she is forced to enter a large wire netting that goes from floor all the way up to the ceiling. Without her guns, there is nothing she can do against the men, It takes a while before Jack realize that Belle is missing, running down to the store, one of the staff tells him that Belle was kidnapped, but the man had the tag number of the car. Jack gets in-touch with the police chief, that tells him the address to the tag-number. Jack is supposed to wait tills a police backup arrives, but not Jack. With the address in his hand, he quickly drives over there. Coming in to where Bells is drinking her morning coffee, and is enjoying some chocolate donuts. He tells her that he has her guns, and has come to help her escape. He could only give Belle her guns, when a door opens, and four men enter. "Jack Lord, welcome to our party. Would you like some coffee and donuts as well, they ask as they make Jack enter Belle's chicken coop. He knowing that he can not wight four well armed men, so he said yes please and entered Belle's prison. With one of Belle's knives, they are trying to cut through the roof.As the men comes back with Jack's coffee, they look at the hole in the roof, and say. From now we will have two armed men in here all the time. Then they tell Jack and Belle that the owner of this place, a Leonard Croft Sr. has told them that both Jack and Belle will have to fight for their lives at the Croft mansion. You will be asked to chose weapon, and the Croft will use the same weapon in the hunt, inside the mansion. When they are taken to the mansion, Belle's guns made the alarm ring. Leonard Croft Sr. ask if she has any metal on her body. Only my guns grandfather, she answer and shoot Croft Jr. During the hunt, Belle trows one of her knives in Crofts back, and he dies. With both Leonard Crofts dead, the two went down to the kitchen, and called the police about the address.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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