
The Sex Games: Round 2: Best Fucking Friends【電子書籍】[ Sexxi Lexxi ]

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The Sex Games: Round 2: Best Fucking Friends【電子書籍】[ Sexxi Lexxi ]


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I was alive. But for how long? Survival had cost me both my pride and my virginity, but at least I was still breathing. Now my fate depended on two things. One: The identity of my next sexual partner. Two: My willingness to debase myself for the amusement of both the population and the judges. But how far would I go? Would I have sex with my best friend, even if it was only a replica? Excerpt from The Sex Games - Round 2: Best Fucking Friends: “How about a little game of truth or dare?” he suggested. I couldn’t help smiling. That was our favorite game when we were kids. Only we already knew each other’s secrets, so we had made a pact to forget about truth and play only dare. “All right,” I agreed with a mischievous smile. But deep down I was terrified. I knew the game would soon turn sexual, and I had no idea if I could handle it. Having sex with a replica of my boyfriend was one thing, but could I handle being intimate with my best friend? I guess I was about to find out. “Why don’t you go first,” proposed Aron. That was the last thing I wanted to do, but I knew better than to refuse. “All right,” I agreed. “I dare you to…” I looked around the treehouse in search of something for him to do. When nothing came to mind, I opted for a classic. “I dare you to lick the floor.” I expected him to complain, but he dropped to the floor and ran his tongue across it. Moments later he was back in a seated position, with a devilish smile on his lips. He didn’t bother teasing me. Instead, he got right down to business. “I dare you to kiss me.” I knew it was coming, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t surprised. We may have secretly been in love for years, we had never actually discussed our feelings for one another. I guess kissing is as good a way as any to break the ice. Pretending like it was just the two of us, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. I considered sliding my tongue into his mouth, but chose instead to play coy. I allowed our lips to touch for a second, then pulled away. “That’s not the kind of kiss I had in mind,” he admitted. “Really?” I asked innocently. “Then what kind of kiss were you thinking of?” “This kind,” was his answer as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. Unlike me, he didn’t hesitate to slip his tongue into my mouth. It was a little awkward at first, but there was no denying Aron was a terrific kisser. His tongue strokes were both sensual and masculine. Knowing there was nothing I could do, I chose to play along. At first I faked the passion, but as the kiss lingered on, the emotions became real. Then overwhelming. They were now all I could feel. We made out for what felt like hours before my tongue started to cramp up. But still I wanted more. “I dare you to kiss me again,” I said as soon as our lips parted. The kissing resumed and so did my tongue ache. But I didn’t care. I knew the judges were watching and loving every second. So I prolonged the kiss for as long as I could. But I was eventually forced to pull away when my tongue got so sore that I could barely even move it. Aron took a moment to catch his breath before voicing his next dare. Just like before, he avoided all teasing and went straight for the kill. “I dare you…” he began as he unfastened his pants. Standing up, he wiggled out of them, revealing an enticing sight. “…to give me a blowjob,” finally finished Aron. By then he was kneeling before me, his shaft mere feet from me. All I had to do was reach out and grab it…画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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