
As Skies Became Crimson【電子書籍】[ Thane Hounchell ]

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04月25日 14時49分更新
As Skies Became Crimson【電子書籍】[ Thane Hounchell ]


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With death lingering in the life of a young college student diagnosed with cancer, a struggle for both sanity and love ensues. Though his fate inescapable, this young man begins a daunting search for beauty in his death as he ever-presently seeks out his final sunset in life. As perversity, self-abuse, drugs, and the search for the meaning of life all come to intermingle in this frantic, yet unabashedly hilarious and morbid tale, the reader is exposed first hand to the inner most thoughts of a man on the cusp of death. With chaos and order stylistically blended together this ironic addition to the "coming of age" genre will keep readers both intrigued and entertained, and possibly even call them to examine their own existential orientation to the fleeting beauty that is the human condition.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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