
Regina, What Is the Color of It? Letter Size Edition【電子書籍】[ Curtis W. Jackson ]

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04月27日 06時39分更新
Regina, What Is the Color of It? Letter Size Edition【電子書籍】[ Curtis W. Jackson ]


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A young woman's letter to her intimate friend, Regina reveals a short story of another close companionship. It is a past account of a bright, aspiring student and her brilliant and beautiful teacher. A lovely skinned black youth, Mispha struggles for acceptance in a bias affluent society of the latter 1980's. The brave white teacher, Samantha confronts academic pressure as she strives to advance multicultural studies in a predominantly Caucasian community. They face their limitations and find a compromise in a bonding friendship of sisterhood, sealing it in an association with a handsome professor. Regina, What Is The Color of It reflects the hues, tones, and shades of a Long Island schoolgirl coming of age just in time. Note: This is the letter size edition of the original short story, which has been rewritten as a novella with the same title. The longer version due for release in late Fall, 2016. This smaller edition is presenting in two languages, English and Spanish, separated by chapters.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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