
On the Down Low 1: An Interracial Submission Tale【電子書籍】[ Amanda Mann ]

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04月25日 12時49分更新
On the Down Low 1: An Interracial Submission Tale【電子書籍】[ Amanda Mann ]


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What would his wife do if she knew? What would she do if she knew he was on his knees in the restroom of the movie theater, while she watched the previews? A discount movie house in the rough section of town. It was date night but she had her face buried in her phone checking email and social networks and playing games. Bored by the same old preshow, he looked around and noticed a handsome young black man looking back at him. "I'm not gay," he told himself. But there was something about this sexual game of cat and mouse that intrigued him. Something that filled him with longing and desire... Shortly after the black man left the theater, so did he. He knew he didn't have a lot of time. It was just something he needed to do. Take matters into his own hands, so to speak, and quench his desire. He didn't expect to see the young black man in the restroom. Or did he? What would his wife do if she knew? On the Down Low is a lust-filled, highly sensual tale of an illicit, interracial gay hookup. Although part of a series, it stands on its own. Take a peek inside and see!?
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