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Minny's Big Day Off: Filthy In The Park (Sophie Sin's Classics #8)【電子書籍】[ Sophie Sin ]

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09月17日 04時50分更新
Minny's Big Day Off: Filthy In The Park (Sophie Sin's Classics #8)【電子書籍】[ Sophie Sin ]


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Love: Minny has her opinions on the topic, but this man, rough and gorgeous as he might be, is not one who knows the innermost nature of love's true expression. If only he'd been stronger ? more direct ? then she'd have left him to his miserable life of lovelessness. But, no, Minny can't do that now. He's gone too far, reached too high. It's time he learned what love is really all about. There's no turning back now. He's going to get it. Also contains a short story (An Orchard Of Older Love) and an excerpt from Pleasure Witch as bonus material.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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