
His Assistant and Book Baby【電子書籍】[ Ginger Starr ]

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04月26日 09時52分更新
His Assistant and Book Baby【電子書籍】[ Ginger Starr ]


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Two erotic short stories from the "Hot Ginger!?
" collection. All characters depicted are unrelated and consenting adults, 18 or over. Readers 18+ only. His Assistant-Lauren is known as "The Closer". She's the best at what she does cause she's a smart cookie with a preference for older men in suits. "Tom leaned against a file cabinet as she spun around for his approval. Her black suit showed off her curves and underneath her jacket, a hint of ivory lace peeked out, just above her full breasts. Her sheer stockings encased long slender legs and only her shoes, killer black stilettos, gave her away as anything other than a respectable business woman. The sound of the opening elevator doors in the hallway made them look towards the front door. "Show time” Lauren whispered. Book Baby-Jack has his own bookstore specializing in thrillers. A beautiful customer enters with a mystery of her own. "As she thumbed through the pages, he thought he had been dismissed. “Ok, well, I’ll be at the desk if you need anything.” She lowered the book and let it dangle from her hand. “Have you ever done it in your store?” Jack blinked. “Done what?”画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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