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The Walking Dead in The Real World: Where Romance meets Reality【電子書籍】[ Mackenzie Stark ]

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04月24日 18時15分更新
The Walking Dead in The Real World: Where Romance meets Reality【電子書籍】[ Mackenzie Stark ]


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People, including me, see the romance of surviving a lawless world and that’s how I came to love the show The Walking Dead. It helps me deal with what’s around me in the real world where the issues aren’t so romantic. I can’t tell you the hours I’ve spent watching the fight for survival in a zombie world. Surely my fellow Dead fans know what I’m talking about. I grew to love the characters and the new challenges week after week as the cast works to organize and rebuild. I’ve come to respect this group who lives and works to survive in the “end of the world as we know it”. It shows me that people can do it. Watching week after week, I started to realize the show is really quite the training ground for anyone should true survival become our new reality. The way I see it, The Walking Dead fans would be pretty well prepared for mayhem, should it hit. So, for this short, I used The Walking Dead cast because they are my heroes when up against a threat. I modeled the cover after the poster because seeing Rick ride his horse into certain danger somehow give me a sense of hope that we could all be so strong. Also included here is the first episode of American Mayhem. The series is based on the reality around us and a possible outcome should it continue. I hope the series can help to bring people together so we can all work to build a future far better than what appears to be inevitable.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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