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Making Sense of Intimate Relationships with Autism【電子書籍】[ Tom Jacibons ]

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03月04日 16時48分更新
Making Sense of Intimate Relationships with Autism【電子書籍】[ Tom Jacibons ]


価格:110 (税込) 送料込 カード決済 OK送料無料
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Tom talks about how he is learning to understand dating and intimate relationships all while having autism. He says dating and intimacy is the most advanced level of relationship he has ever tried to understand. There are so many more unwritten social rules involved with dating and intimacy than there are in friendship. He talks about how it is hard to not say what he is truly meaning to a woman. Tom has a hard time hiding his feelings and emotions with dating. He speaks about how he hates that he has to learn how to play a game or pretend to be someone he is not in order to get someone to like him. He shares openly how women will tell him the only way they would date him is if he pays them an autism bill or fee for being autistic. Tom has always struggled in the area of dating and in this book he talks about how women think he stalks them and texts them too much but they never tell him why they feel this way. He speaks of the importance of teaching people with autism necessary social skills in order to learn how to form an intimate relationship. This book will discuss various topics from socializing, puberty, sexuality, love, all the way to intimacy and marriage as a person on the autism spectrum. If you have ever wondered if people with autism could date or have romantic intimate relationships this is the book for you. Tom shares how his social skills coaches are helping him overcome social barriers and challenges that will enable him to learn how to date and be intimate with women. Tom stresses the importance of saying people with autism can date, be intimate, and get married just like people without disabilities. This is a great tool for people supporting individuals with autism.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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