
Guy de Maupassant: The Complete Short Stories (Book Center)【電子書籍】[ Guy de Maupassant ]

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04月25日 13時18分更新
Guy de Maupassant: The Complete Short Stories (Book Center)【電子書籍】[ Guy de Maupassant ]


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Here you will find the largest collection of Maupassant's short stories available in English (277 short stories). As you will notice, this book DOES NOT INCLUDE the 65 fake Maupassant stories... stories that weren't written by Maupassant but are always included in all the other so-called complete editions. In order that you can be sure that Maupassant is the author of each and every story contained within these pages, we have included a direct link to the original French stories. You just have to click on the original titles, under the English titles, to be redirected to the French texts.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
