A Woman’s Guide 2017: Five Steps to Regaining Balance in Life & Relationships【電子書籍】[ Ophelia...


I wrote this book because I want to help women who are chronically unhappy in their love relationships. Many strong women like you and I often feel powerless and emotionally unstable as a result of relationship problems. When we experience this sense of powerlessness, we try to handle it by ourselves instead of reaching out. Instead of moving forward, we engage in a toxic cycle where we depend on others to make us happy and control how we feel. So many of us are stuck in relationships that causes us pain and get us nowhere. Because of our mindset that things cannot change we continue holding on to that which is killing us. By using this book and forming healthy habits, you will disrupt your current mindset that tells you that your happiness depend on being in a relationship to one that tells you that you are and will be happy with or without a man in your life. Before using these specific steps in this book, l too had the mindset that l had to be in a relationship in order to be happy. I too thought that it was the man's responsibility to make me happy. Each time he ignored me I would die a little inside, to the point where my feelings became toxic and I could not think rationally. I wanted desperately to make our relationship beautiful, but nothing I tried seemed to work. Instead of coming closer to me, my efforts made him ignore me and we drifted further apart. Eventually, I was forced to face the fact that only I can heal my broken heart and make myself happy again. And so, to change my circumstances, l committed myself to using the steps l share with you in this book. It is not an accident that you have found this book. I believe that you are trying desperately to find a solution to some problems you may be experiencing in your personal life. But, wait!?
Before you decide to purchase this book, I have a few questions for you: Do you depend on your partner to make you happy? Do you depend on him to meet your emotional needs? Do you feel powerless or off-balance because of what is happening in your relationship? Have you lost interest in the things you did before you met your partner? Does your partner have a habit of ignoring you? Do you need help getting back your joy, power, and balance in life? If you have answered yes to any of the above, this book is for you. This book is not a fairy tale, it is a simple guide that I used to get back on my feet, find happiness, and start appreciating my life regardless to if I was in an intimate relationship or not. This guide is practical, it is based on the concept of forming habits which you repeat as often as possible (some daily). This book would serve as a reminder to you if you make the commitment that you have had enough and is going to turn things around!?
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