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Retribution【電子書籍】[ JR Thomas ]

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03月03日 19時35分更新
Retribution【電子書籍】[ JR Thomas ]


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RETRIBUTION This is the second novel in the “The Long Return” Series. The first novel “Lost Love”, is the story of the wagons gathering in Richmond, Virginia at the end of the Civil War and heading for the new lands promised to them in Union, Texas. The first novel details their travels and adventures across the Appalachian Mountains. Their hardships and their losses are laid bare. Their victories celebrated. “The Long Return” Series is a story about a Confederate Capt. Jake Cooper and his partner Lt. Sam Boyd who hire on as security to provide protection for the wagons as they cross the great land of America. It is a long trek filled with many physical challenges, dangers, and personal trials. The story is a look at what the brave settlers faced as they traveled to new land and a new life. Many people started the journey with high hopes, but not all would see their dreams come true. The times were tough. The American Civil War left many families destitute, hopeless, and struggling to make ends meet. The offer of free land in the West gave those who had lost everything in the East new hope, purpose, and the fortitude to face the dangers of crossing a still wild country. The story begins after the wagon train is attacked just prior to Knoxville, Tennessee. A large number of the wagon train settlers were killed and wounded in the surprise raid by a local gang made up of deserters, murderers, and men used to looting and killing. Jake Cooper swears that the gang will pay for their crimes. Jake Cooper, a Texan by birth, was a man not to be made angry. Trained in Comanche ways, he sets out with the help of the sheriff’s deputies to track down and deal justice to the guilty. The story is filled with action and new friendships as Jake begins the healing process of his personal loss during the wagon raid. Come ride with Jake Cooper as he seeks RETRIBUTION the Texan way.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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