
Arghya The Morning Offering【電子書籍】[ Aparna Sachin Pendse ]

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04月27日 05時43分更新
Arghya The Morning Offering【電子書籍】[ Aparna Sachin Pendse ]


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Kavita is fascinated by traditional theatre and is passionate about studying, teaching and conserving the age-old theatre traditions that she feels has a touch of the divine. While trying to earn her doctorate, she comes across intriguing references to a female playwright from the late 1800s. Very little information is available about her, and it’s more shrouded in mystery than reality. When Kavita chooses illusive Janaki’s work for her doctoral thesis, little does she know that she will open labyrinth of ancient Indian traditions. A nineteenth century world, riddled in conflict of Sanatanis and reformists and a few things that are best left uncovered.? Kavita’s story will bring back a touch of divinity to our materialistic world.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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