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Fate of Fire (Flight Moon Series Book 2)【電子書籍】[ D. M. Raver ]

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04月24日 12時43分更新
Fate of Fire (Flight Moon Series Book 2)【電子書籍】[ D. M. Raver ]


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A family is divided as war with Gorusk looms in the future... They thought the hidden garden at Rosewall foretold their fate. Statues depicted in a time locked battle, three kingdoms opposing Shirr, the tyrant king of Gorusk. Nothing has prepared them for the doom that gathers on the horizon. Assassins will come in the night. Death will come from the sky. Betrayal from within. Though Dornata and Corban struggle to keep their family safe, the closer they get to the time of the foretold battle, the more in danger they become. And the strange child, with red eyes of a dragon, secretly gathers strength. Discover the complete Flight Moon Series: Book One: Fire Born Book Two: Fate of Fire Book Three: Converging Flames (to be released in 2020) Book Four: Wild Fire Prequel to The Flight Moon Series: Brother Betrayed Book One: A Great Journey Book Two: The Wars of Arnith画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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