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The Night I Drank a Bottle of Djinn【電子書籍】[ Carm Forster ]

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04月27日 01時45分更新
The Night I Drank a Bottle of Djinn【電子書籍】[ Carm Forster ]


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Sydney Adair is what you might call a hot mess; she swears, drinks, has promiscuous sex. The 20 something city girl who is struggling to get through life seems to attract anything and everything that is weird. Follow her stories and watch her grow from the anti-hero into, well, a slightly less anti-hero. In this first tale from the Sydney Adair collection, Sydney, through her usual trip-ups in life, happens across a Djinn. Will she make 3 wishes? Find riches? Find love? Probably not, in Sydney’s world nothing ever goes as expected.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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