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Taming Jake【電子書籍】[ Hurri Cosmo ]

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04月24日 08時48分更新
Taming Jake【電子書籍】[ Hurri Cosmo ]


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Jake is on a much-needed vacation when he receives a desperate call from Alan, his former boyfriend. Against his better judgment, Jake comes to Alan’s aid. But when the men are stranded in the middle of nowhere, Alan is determined to get to town before the sun sets rather than spend the night in the car. Unfortunately, they have to cut across private property to do it. Since it’s trespassing, they could get arrestedーor surrounded by a bunch of cowboys hell bent on teaching the trespassers a lesson. Thankfully, a muscular, stunning cowboy named Colton shows up to save the day. But he’s not about to let Jake off easy. It seems there are still a few lessons to be learned, and it looks like they might involve leather, some handcuffs, and a suspiciously high, padded trunk...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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