
6 Strokes For Maria【電子書籍】[ Sophie Sin ]

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04月27日 03時57分更新
6 Strokes For Maria【電子書籍】[ Sophie Sin ]


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In a future not so far away Maria seeks the ultimate pleasure, the ultimate extreme, in a place of sexual filthiness. Her long held goal - the dream of 2 long years - has finally come to fruitition as she kneels before the greatest pleasure known to all the worlds: A stroker. This perfect male who far surpasses all human men in every way will only give her 6 strokes. Can she handle even one? This short storie and other similar stories can be found in the '5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 7' collection.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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