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The Fall of Awa【電子書籍】[ Charles T. Whipple ]

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03月10日 08時04分更新
The Fall of Awa【電子書籍】[ Charles T. Whipple ]


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~ Short Japanese Fantasy Adventure story ? part of a continuing saga of stand-alone tales by award-winning author, Charles T. Whipple ~ Now behold, I Hikarinomiko am called of Amaterasu to record the deeds of those anointed during the dark days of Toh rule, to write somewhat concerning the curse the wicked Toh placed upon the land, the loss of the sacred talismans of Amaterasu through which the Chosen One is proclaimed unto the people, the search to discover the talismans in their place of hiding, and the fearful battle against the Toh, their dark Yami bonzes, the creatures and demons the priests commanded, yeah even every dark being of the underworld of Yami. Therefore I have searched among the scrolls left me by she who preceded me, even the sacred Washinomiko, who has gone before and must surely rest in the bright fields of Amaterasu. Yeah, I have searched, and Amaterasu has guided my hand, even unto the creation of abridged accounts of the deeds leading to the recovery of the sacred talismans, and the rise of the people to follow the Chosen one and overthrow the curse of the wicked Toh. Even so, Amaterasu Omikoto did call from amongst the people, even the Ya, the Yotsu, the Sanka, and the Wako, the mighty one did call and anoint those destined to provide the Chosen One of Amaterasu all that was necessary to prevail against the dreadful Toh. Behold, I name not these anointed, but write herein accounts of their calling, even the calling of the Seeker, the Shielder, the Bearer, the Gatherer, and the Fukuーthe bringer of good fortune to all. For the moment I lay aside my brush that those who read the accounts of the calling and the anointing of these stalwart subjects of Amaterasu might search these accounts and come to believe in the might and sacred power of Amaterasu Omikoto, creator of all and ruler of Heaven and Earth. Now behold, in separate scrolls, I have and will inscribe accounts of the labors and sufferings of the anointed of Amaterasu as they search for the sacred talismans. In this first scroll of the series, The Fall of Awa, follow Ryo as the life of her people changes forever. Enslaved and then empowered, she discovers the powers which will enable her to fulfill her destiny among the anointed.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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